Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Cuddling with a Blue Tongue Lizard!  This girl is unreal!!!

Just a sampling of why Sienna Rose Thayer is the internet's undisputed "4 year old who loves animals the most"

This is just a few of the reasons that Sienna Rose Thayer is the internet's unanimous choice for "4 year old who loves animals the most"

Here she is hugging a horse. I never saw Callum doing that.

Here she is riding a horse with a huge smile.  Never saw Callum doing that. 

Here is Sienna snuggling with Guinea Pigs.  Callum??

Feed a freaking LION!!

Petting a FRIGGIN TASMANIAN DEVIL!  Callum?  Callum?  You there?

Petting a kangaroo.  

Your eyes are not deceiving you.  She's smiling while hugging a camel's head. 

Oh, you've never done this?  Par for the course with Sienna.  Ho hum.  Moving on.